Robin Rickards’ Notes and Novels Blog

Fiction: Medical Thrillers


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This blog addresses world events and how they may affect your day-to-day life….pages in process…continually updating commentary….enjoy and check back…

What’s going on here??

Whip the Dogs – soon to be published at

North Korean nukes: This is a good one! It would be humorous if it weren’t so frightening. We already know that the ‘Dear Leader’ has plutonium-based nuclear weapons. Well, maybe his bombs aren’t very big but…A nuke’s a nuke. Now, North Korea has the technology to launch a missile (with an attached nuclear warhead, presumably) that can strike the coast of North America. Anyone concerned? How much more of a step is it to send a rocket anywhere else? Paris? Moscow? Beijing is really close! I guess the idea is to keep Kim Jong Il happy so that he doesn’t get too out of control (or is he already?). Make sure his supply of Chivas is topped up or he might get twitchy! Maybe there aren’t too many countries that can talk the guy down but there is at least one. Are you listening China? You’re closer than most to the little ‘Hermit Kingdom’!


Vaccine – soon to be published at

Chemical Ali’, Saddam Hussain’s biological warfare expert has now been tried for the third time for his role in the murder of thousands of innocent Kurds in northern Iraq before the 1991 invasion. Almost twenty years after the event, this man is still in limbo, our libertarian approach without the energy to convict and sentence. Everyone deserves a fair trial but delaying judgement in a case such as this only allows others of the same bent to try it again. Our world’s ‘justice’ system must be more effective and efficient.

Written by robincrickards

March 5, 2009 at 7:54 pm

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